Sybil Ludington Rides Again

Politics, Freedom and Farm Life

Month: December 2014

From TZP-The Thin Blue Line

I know, I know, I’m still trying to get time to do something I want to write about for my blog. But I did get something up at The Zelman Partisans about our Law Enforcement Community, The Thin Blue Line.

I don’t think the animosity being fomented by the obama regime between LEO and the community is an accident any more than many of his other actions.

Have a read and see what you think,


From TZP-It’s The Most MACCABEE Time of the Year!

I know, I know, I keep saying I’m going to get something up just for Sybil, but she has had a lot of balls in the air to juggle lately. This would work better if she actually KNEW HOW to juggle gracefully at all.  But, it IS the Maccabee time of the year. And if you are a Christian and think that Hanukkah is just a “Jewish thing” or the Jewish version of Christmas you are sorely mistaken. Now, more than ever Christians need to know about Hanukkah, they need to know the lessons it gives, and I think we should be celebrating it as well. I LOVE the Maccabees.

So, I’m going to send you over to the Zelman Partisans to read the column  on the Maccabees. To entice you to do so I will post a picture of my most handsome ginger cat Maccabee hy”d. I still miss this handsome boy, every single day. He was really something.


Happy Hanukkah

Merry Christmas!



The most adorable Maccabee Cat

From TZP-Know Your Reptiles

Sorry folks! Life has been a bit, hectic shall we say.  I’ve been wanting to do a column for both TZP and Sybil. I got TZP’s done early this morning, so hopefully can get one for myself later today. But for now, this one is about sort of Gov. Jay Nixon and Ferguson.

Know Your Reptiles
