Sybil Ludington Rides Again

Politics, Freedom and Farm Life

Month: November 2015

Hunters, Trail Riders, Bikers and Hikers

I have been meaning to put something up about this for a while. I know many people who enjoy the out of doors this time of year. But this is probably something that doesn’t go through your mind when you are enjoying the great outdoors. Please give it a read, and think about it next time you are out enjoying the wide open spaces. Lack of closure can be devastating.

Read the rest at TZP.

War Horses

My one week late tardy column. Believe me when I say I’m sorry it’s late, but the cause was a very worthy one, and I so much wanted to be able to tell you how my event went. Probably the toughest course I’ve done (not that I’ve done all that many) but it was pert near chilly and quite windy. Yet I turned in my very best time. This race was the closest one to my heart I’ve ever done. I really wanted to give it my very best, not for me, not for time. For THEM, for those that suited up, showed up and served. For them this time I walked.

Read the rest at TZP, and when you get to the final little graphic, click on it, you need to make it bigger to work ๐Ÿ˜‰


The Zelman Partisans Alert List

Dad always said “Be a lert, the world needs more lerts”. TZP has a new alert list, with a new alert list dude, Bear. I’ve seen the first official alert and these things are beautiful! Bear, Claire and Jo Ann have done a fabulous job!

Head on over to sign up, there will not be a ton of alerts (well, unless things go nuts) but you will enjoy getting them I’m betting! Oh, and it’s free!

TZP Alerts Sign Up

I Am Woman Hear Me Whine

I saw a column a few days ago about a University of Miami Law Professor who was opposed to a campus carry bill making itโ€™s way through the Florida senate.–You can read the rest over at TZP.

I guess what makes me so angry is thinking about this young woman who realizes there are bad people out there, bad people that want to hurt women (she teaches Krav Maga) but she is perfectly willing to leave those women vulnerable to the vultures.ย  Worse yet, she is either a liar or a ignorant twit. Neither is a good thing I would think in a law professor. It’s not just women of course who can be attacked on a college campus, but what this stupid woman is saying is that a gun wouldn’t help a woman being attacked. That she is incapable of using one effectively. But she thinks a woman with a week or two of martial arts under her um, white belt will be?

If you aren’t sure how it plays out sometimes, search the name Meredith Emerson

Meredith Emerson used her wits and martial arts training when she was attacked in the north Georgia mountains by a drifter who eventually killed and decapitated her, the convicted killer told investigators.

I’m old, I don’t want them that close. What if there’s more than one? I really am not sure why people let their kids go to college these days at times, let alone send them. All I can guess is Miami must be desperate for teachers if they have to keep one that is telling women they can’t use a gun effectively.