Sybil Ludington Rides Again

Politics, Freedom and Farm Life

Tag: Second Amendment (page 1 of 4)

Second Amendment Related topics, people

The Zelman Partisans Alert List

Dad always said “Be a lert, the world needs more lerts”. TZP has a new alert list, with a new alert list dude, Bear. I’ve seen the first official alert and these things are beautiful! Bear, Claire and Jo Ann have done a fabulous job!

Head on over to sign up, there will not be a ton of alerts (well, unless things go nuts) but you will enjoy getting them I’m betting! Oh, and it’s free!

TZP Alerts Sign Up

I Am Woman Hear Me Whine

I saw a column a few days ago about a University of Miami Law Professor who was opposed to a campus carry bill making it’s way through the Florida senate.–You can read the rest over at TZP.

I guess what makes me so angry is thinking about this young woman who realizes there are bad people out there, bad people that want to hurt women (she teaches Krav Maga) but she is perfectly willing to leave those women vulnerable to the vultures.  Worse yet, she is either a liar or a ignorant twit. Neither is a good thing I would think in a law professor. It’s not just women of course who can be attacked on a college campus, but what this stupid woman is saying is that a gun wouldn’t help a woman being attacked. That she is incapable of using one effectively. But she thinks a woman with a week or two of martial arts under her um, white belt will be?

If you aren’t sure how it plays out sometimes, search the name Meredith Emerson

Meredith Emerson used her wits and martial arts training when she was attacked in the north Georgia mountains by a drifter who eventually killed and decapitated her, the convicted killer told investigators.

I’m old, I don’t want them that close. What if there’s more than one? I really am not sure why people let their kids go to college these days at times, let alone send them. All I can guess is Miami must be desperate for teachers if they have to keep one that is telling women they can’t use a gun effectively.


France has helpfully drafted a proposal to the U.N. to internationalize the Temple Mount, Har ha-Beyit. They feel that seizing control of a section of Israel’s sovereign and most holy ground will somehow calm the violence. I never accused the U.N. of being clever, but I never thought them that stupid either.—-

Israel and gunowners are both under attack. And we are both under attack by the same kind of people. Liberals who see no difference between the life of a arab with a knife killing and a Jew killing in defense of his and/or his families life. The same with gunonwers, or police now. Don’t believe me? Don’t remember obama’s son Trayvon Martin? The black panthers openly, publicly putting a bounty of Zimmerman’s head? You don’t find horror in how Governor Jay Nixon reacted by allowing part of a city to be burn and rather than standing behind police officer Wilson would have burned him as well. Yes, by the same kind of people.

Anyway, you can read the rest of the column here.

The Holocaust: Through Their Eyes

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.”~~John Donne

I attended a showing of The Holocaust: Through their eyes at the Jewish Community Center. It is the accounts of local holocaust survivors. Not people who heard about it from their distant cousin or parents, but lived it, survived it. Posted over at The Zelman Partisans

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today is the the date designated in 2005 by the United Nations as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.




And how many are still asleep at the wheel? They don’t realize the noose draws tighter. The nazi’s simply used the gun laws already on the books. Like the ones we have more than enough of already.



The Politics of Power-From TZP

Not content to just weigh in on American Politics, I have decided to foray into Israeli Politics.  Not claiming to be an expert, but I do love learning about the topic. It’s over at The Zelman Partisans, and there are a couple of really good videos to go along with it. You should watch them both, they are Crackerjacks!

I hope you like “The Politics of Power



Follow The Leader-from TZP

Life has been a little “cray-cray” lately. Between family excitement and getting to cover a few extra shifts at my “real job”, I’ve not had much time to write. And I really, really hate that! It’s taken me since Monday to get to finish this column I’ve wanted to do for The Zelman Partisans since last week. Since before the horrific attack at the Har Nof Synagogue. My heart is just broken over the massacre.

My team mate Y.B. Ben Avraham did an excellent column on the massacre at Har Nof, you can read it here

My latest is “Follow The Leader“. It’s loooong, so grab a big cup of coffee. There are a lot of links in it, so you can check out what I’ve stated. The one with Yehuda Glick getting arrested with his goat is pretty funny. The one about 8th graders in California decideding the Holocaust was a hoax for political and financial gain is sickening, as is the information about what common core is bringing.

The Zelman Partisans Has Hit Print!

The Zelman Partisans has had their first story written about them! I felt so very honored to be allowed to speak on behalf of the group. It’s what I had been hired to do at the late JPFO hy”d.  So I’m sure you can imagine the satisfaction I gained from being allowed to tell the world that the spirit of Aaron’s fight is still going to be carried on by The Zelman Partisans.

Lee was a fantastic interviewer, and seems like a very nice guy. He gave the group a great write up! You can read the whole thing here.

A new Jewish pro-gun group: The Zelman Partisans

If you are on Twitter or Facebook, please consider posting the link to the story on your page or send out a tweet on it.

Yes, I really do feel the hand of G-d has been on this group since it’s beginning. I ask your prayers for us as we continue to grow the readership of our blog, and start to become an actual group.


What is the Ghetto Mentality?

I admit it. I have wondered from time to time, why some groups think they way they do, and vote the way they do. In this instance, I’ve always thought if ANY group of people should be voting for solid Second Amendment candidates, it would be Jews. I’ve been baffled that instead, the tend to vote for the candidates that will put them most at risk of being another statistic.

One of my fellow writers at The Zelman Partisans, has done an excellent piece The Ghetto Mentality. It’s well worth the read.


Hopefully tomorrow you will be back to reading my scribblings, but this one is well worth the time.



Does “Never Again” actually mean anything to YOU?

Vladka Peltel has an excellent column up at The Zelman Partisans web site.  It really made me think.  The patterns are there, but people don’t want to see them. If you watched with joy, as I did, the strong, hard push back against the Huston Mayor’s over reaching power play to force Pastors to turn over their sermons to her for review you have seen the kind of action that we should be taking with this sort of behavior. Especially when it comes to firearms.  What can and are you doing to get people to see the patterns?


Just something to think about.



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