Sybil Ludington Rides Again

Politics, Freedom and Farm Life

Tag: The Zelman Partisans

Love Notes From G-d

Some times I get to thinking that things I think need to happen aren’t happening fast enough. Or perhaps that I’m not doing enough to make them happen, or that I’m doing things that keep them from happening. And, perhaps, sometimes some of those things are true. But sometimes I think that it’s also that I think I have more control over people, situations and circumstances than I really do. Or that I want to have more control over them than I should. I suppose it could be a bit of arrogance. The flip side of that is sometimes it’s mired in uncertainty because I don’t know which direction to go or how to get from here to there.

A few days ago I started trying a new nail painting technique I saw on Facebook. A friend of mine had posted a video of different techniques for pretty designs that could be done at home. Of course he posted it a few months ago, but it stuck with me. So a few days ago I finally got around to trying it. I liked it. So a few days later when the polish had a chip, I decided to try it again with a couple of different colors. I chose a melon with a blue accent, then added a couple of drops of silver sparkley polish for good measure. It wound up being really pretty.

Yes, this is going somewhere.

Last month I ordered three really pretty polo shirts from The Zelman Partisans Queensboro store. Since the things are made to order, they take awhile to get here, so you never should count on them being in at a certain time, unless you placed your order way in advance. They came on Shabbat.

The Jewish Arts Festival was on Sunday. I wasn’t scheduled to work it, but I wanted to. I had a friend who had been asked to help at the Israeli Technology booth. I love Israel, and I love my technology. So a call had been placed with a plaintive request, “could you see if they would let me help in the booth?”. Call them and ask. No, I want you to call and ask. I was afraid they’d tell me no. I think I see a couple chicken feathers floating past my desk right now. To my great joy the answer was a resounding yes, and have her call me at once. I did and it was all set up.

You’ve probably guessed this part. The nails I had done a few days before perfectly matched the melon shirt and the embroidery of the design. The shirt I hadn’t seen yet and didn’t know it would be here.

Since I was a last minute addition to the roster, I just wore my own shirt rather than accepting the Jewish Arts festival volunteer shirt they were giving volunteers. They were thrilled, guess medium is a popular size.

Many, many people saw that Zelman Partisans logo that day as I spoke on my topics of ReWalk and Netafim’s Flexnet drip irrigation system.

It prompted some interesting comments, “Are those guns on your shirt???” “Why yes they are”. From there the discussion went to my extreme aversion to cattle cars and ghettos. The history of gun control laws, the Weimer Republic and living life as a free person. The people that point blank asked me about it seemed very interested in discussing it, and it was an excellent conversation all the way around. They actually already leaned that way, but they thought TZP was amazing. It is.

So here’s the thing. For some reason I decided to chose the soft melon orange over the brighter orange. I chose the blue accent rather than the green or pink or purple.

I don’t know that G-d is fixated on my nail polish color, but I do think he can urge us to do things if we are open to hearing him.

Little miracles and big ones, he gives them all to us. I want to be open to seeing the little miracles, matching nail polish and shirt for a very put together look at a public appearance. A beautiful sunset or sunrise. The very corral panels I wanted being on sale just when I’m working enough hours to buy them, and they are the only corral panels on sale. Passing my ACLS class when I really didn’t get to study as much as I wanted or needed to study. Little and big miracles, he gives them to us all. I do not want to throw the little miracles back in his face because they weren’t “big enough” to suit me, or impress me enough, or the “right” ones. The more aware I am of the little miracles, the more I realize how many of them there are. I want to be attuned to his voice, to his presence to his will.

And sometimes I just feel like I flounder. I know he loves me, I know he wants what’s best for me, and for me to be happy. I also know sometimes the path that I think will bring those things will not bring them. But he knows the path that will. Things happen, to make me a better person, for soul correction, to help me empathize with others. I’ve learned to appreciate the little bits of happiness when I have them. For me to fixate only on my problems, and worry will not necessarily change anything. But when I do that, to the exclusion of the little bits of happiness I was offered along the way I am being foolish. It does not cause the problems to sort themselves quicker, it does not shorten the time of trouble. It only prevents me from having some peace and happiness along the way that I was offered. Arrogance and lack of emuna (faith).

So, I’m going to take my new shirt, and perfectly matching nail polish and design coupled with a wonderful chance to talk about Israeli technology as a love note from G-d. Sybil, I know what you need, I know when you need it, and I put things into place and play before you even know they are important. You concentrate on doing the things I put in front of you today, and remember child, I love you. I’ve got this.


G-d, אבא

Perfect nails, perfect shirt


The Zelman Partisans Alert List

Dad always said “Be a lert, the world needs more lerts”. TZP has a new alert list, with a new alert list dude, Bear. I’ve seen the first official alert and these things are beautiful! Bear, Claire and Jo Ann have done a fabulous job!

Head on over to sign up, there will not be a ton of alerts (well, unless things go nuts) but you will enjoy getting them I’m betting! Oh, and it’s free!

TZP Alerts Sign Up

The Politics of Power-From TZP

Not content to just weigh in on American Politics, I have decided to foray into Israeli Politics.  Not claiming to be an expert, but I do love learning about the topic. It’s over at The Zelman Partisans, and there are a couple of really good videos to go along with it. You should watch them both, they are Crackerjacks!

I hope you like “The Politics of Power



For Those Who Served

I never served in the armed forces. My Dad did, he was in the Navy, as was Uncle Jerry.  I considered joining the Navy once when I got a recruiting letter from them. Life wasn’t going great at the time. I was living on my own, doing ok financially, had a great dog, but beyond that not so much.  I talked to my Dad about joining the Navy, it would have been in a medical capcity since that’s what my training was. Dad was really, really, really against it. “Dad, it’s only for four years, it could be a really good thing for me, look at this letter!”  Dad: “Um, what are you going to do with Smokey?” Me: “Well, can’t you keep her for four years? ” Dad: “No, she’d probably die before that. You wanted to get her, you got her. You took on that responsibility.” Looking back I can’t believe I ever even considered abandoning my “fur child”. Which gives you a clue how bad things were.  In retrospect, maybe Dad just knew how really lousy I am at taking senseless orders. Stuff that makes sense? Or things I can clarify if I don’t understand? Ok, I can work with that.  Senseless BS, not so much. One of my friends said one time I had the lowest BS tolerance of anyone she had ever met. I said “thank you”. I thought she meant it as a compliment. I mean, how else could you take it?

As I think about the men and women who have served our country in uniform, I am in awe and gratitude. They put their personal lives on hold, and in danger to serve for a period of time. Some make careers of it, I respect and admire them. I am such a “rut” or “routine” person. I can’t imagine being told “you’re moving to_____________”. Or many of the other sacrifices they make. And this is before you consider the obama VA scandal. It IS a scandal that these men and women that suited up and showed up when our country asked them are handed over to waiting lists to be on waiting lists and those that did this suffer no consequences because the titular “Commander in Chief” doesn’t like the military and does pretty much everything he can to destroy their morale and the military itself. It’s almost as shameful to the “welcome” the warriors came home to from the Viet Nam war. As I understand it, we never “lost” the war on the battlefield, we lost it because of politicians. People like the vile liar John Kerry should be spat upon, not made Secretary of State.  I was a young girl when Viet Nam ended. I was one of those that wore one of the POW bracelets. Mine was Captain James Elzinga I believe, though the bracelet is long gone now.  I kept it for many years, praying for him each night. How those warriors were treated when they came home, I think was the result of media manipulation. How the heck did people buy into it? To treat soliders that way?

When there was a draft? People were jerked out of their lives and thrust into the hell known as war. I don’t care if the war was “justified” or not. I really don’t. The people in our military have showed up, suited up and fought. They didn’t ask, well is this ok? Will it increase the carbon footprint? What about the forest? Will Hollyweird make a movie? No, they did what they were sent to do, more effectively before barry changed the rules of engagment to favor the enemy though.

I don’t like wars, I don’t want wars. But some things ARE worth fighting for.

Nothing is free. Freedom isn’t free, and the cost to the lives of those serving in the armed forces wasn’t free either.  I was told by a wise man, soldiers don’t fight because of what’s in front of them, they fight for what’s behind them. Meaning hearth & home, families and a way of life.

I know that there is much I do not understand about the military, I know that I don’t have great insight into what it was to be in the military, nor what it is to be the spouse of someone serving in the military. I can only speculate, talk to people and read to try to understand. I do those things when I get the chance.  I’m sure there will be wars until Jesus returns, but I would really like to see the preventable ones, like the current brewing un-civil war in Ferguson, prevented. I think this can be doing by partly being informed, and just have some morals! Don’t vote for someone who obviously hates the country he wants to “rule” cause he’s going to give you a free phone and free “stuff”.

So, today is the 8th of November. I have some things for you.

This link was posted by one of my team mates, the incredible Nicki Kenyon on the cost of war in the lives of some of the Marines after they came home. They paid a fiercesome price for US.

Know your enemy, know how situations arise. A post from The Zelman Partisans.

And last, a very moving, powerful video from Big & Rich called “The 8th of November”.


Do NOT let the sacrifices made by brave men and women to buy our freedom go in vain. Protect and guard it, fiercely, the same way they fought for it.


תן חופש צלצול
Tnoo la chofesh le tzaltzel
Let Freedom Ring!


The Zelman Partisans Has Hit Print!

The Zelman Partisans has had their first story written about them! I felt so very honored to be allowed to speak on behalf of the group. It’s what I had been hired to do at the late JPFO hy”d.  So I’m sure you can imagine the satisfaction I gained from being allowed to tell the world that the spirit of Aaron’s fight is still going to be carried on by The Zelman Partisans.

Lee was a fantastic interviewer, and seems like a very nice guy. He gave the group a great write up! You can read the whole thing here.

A new Jewish pro-gun group: The Zelman Partisans

If you are on Twitter or Facebook, please consider posting the link to the story on your page or send out a tweet on it.

Yes, I really do feel the hand of G-d has been on this group since it’s beginning. I ask your prayers for us as we continue to grow the readership of our blog, and start to become an actual group.
